Inicio » Jose Luis Jordá (EN)

Jose Luis Jordá (EN)

Dr. Jose Luis Jordá Moret
Tenured Scientist at CSIC
Instituto de Tecnología Química (UPV-CSIC)
Av. de los Naranjos s/n
46022 Valencia (Spain)
E-mail: jjorda (ad)

(> Spanish version)

Summary of the research trajectory:
Degree in Chemical Sciences from the University of Valencia in 1996, with an Extraordinary Degree Award.
Doctor in Chemistry from the Polytechnic University of Valencia in 2001, with the thesis entitled «Synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity in selective oxidation reactions of olefins of ordered mesoporous materials Ti-MCM-41», directed by Prof. Fernando Rey at the Institute of Chemical Technology (ITQ).
Post-doctoral stays at the Barcelona Institute of Materials Science (ICMAB) with Prof. Jordi Rius and at the Laboratory of Crystalography (ETH-Zurich, Switzerland) with Prof. Lynne McCusker.
Postdoctoral Researcher I3P in 2004 and Juan de la Cierva in 2005 at the ITQ.
Since 2006, Tenured Scientist of the CSIC at the ITQ.

Summary of publications:
Co-author of 66 articles published in high impact scientific journals. These articles have received more than 4716 citations, with an index h = 34. Among the published articles, 3 papers in Science, 2 in Nature Materials and 1 in Nature.
Co-author of 3 chapters of scientific books, and coordinator of the book «Porous and high-surface materials», published in 2014. Co-author of several international patents.
Participation in numerous national and international congresses, including several invited conferences.

List of publications in Scopus

Profile in ORCID

Profile in Web of Science

Profile in Google Scholar

Lines of work:
The main lines of research are zeolite crystallography and its structural study by laboratory and synchrotron X-ray diffraction, and electron diffraction.

Other activities:
Since 2008, responsible of the laboratory of X-ray Diffraction of the ITQ.
Since 2013 to 2024, responsible for the Social Networks of the ITQ.
Since 2015 director of the Specialization Course of the CSIC «Applied Laboratory Techniques».
Since 2006, participation in the course «Characterization of Solid Catalysts» of the Master of Sustainable Chemistry of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, taught at the ITQ.
Since 2014, member of the ITQ Scientific Dissemination Commission.
Since 2018, member of the Equality Commission of the ITQ.
From 2018 to 2021, Member of the Gender Equality Working Group of the Severo Ochoa and Maria de Maeztu Alliance of Centers of Excellence (SOMMa Gender Equality Working Group).
Since August 2021, Member of the Commission on Inorganic and Mineral Structures (CIMS) of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr). Vice-Chair / Secretary of the Commission since August 2023.